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Hack The Box Business CTF 2021: Time

Writeup of the web challenge called Time from HackTheBox Business CTF 2021

Challenge Info

Get the current date and time, anytime, anywhere!


For this challenge we have a downloadable part as well. This zip file contains the source code of the website.

When we visit the website we're greeted with the following:

Looking through the source code we find a file called TimeController.php and TimeModel.php.


class TimeController
    public function index($router)
        $format = isset($_GET['format']) ? $_GET['format'] : '%H:%M:%S';
        $time = new TimeModel($format);
        return $router->view('index', ['time' => $time->getTime()]);

We see that the website accepts a GET parameter called format. And that the contents of this parameter is sent to TimeModel.


class TimeModel
    public function __construct($format)
        $this->command = "date '+" . $format . "' 2>&1";
        echo $this->command;

    public function getTime()
        $time = exec($this->command);
        $res  = isset($time) ? $time : '?';
        return $res;

The GET parameter, which we control, eventually is sent to exec() with no form for input sanitization.
This is a classic command injection vulnerability.

By sending the following GET parameter, we can easily get the flag: ';cat /flag'

Flag: HTB{tim3_t4lks...4nd_1t_s4ys_1ts_t1m3_t0_PWN!!!}